Aplikasi ini berisi kumpulan lagu-lagu full album dari grup K-Pop WINNER.
WINNER adalah grup penyanyi pria asal Korea Selatan yang dibentuk oleh label rekaman YG Entertainment pada tahun 2014, Grup ini awalnya terdiri dari lima orang anggota, yakni Kang Seungyoon, Song Minho, Nam Taehyun, Kim Jinwoo, dan Lee Seunghoon.
Pada 25 November 2016, Taehyun dinyatakan resmi keluar dari grup. Grup ini pertama kali diperkenalkan dalam program berjudul Who is Next: WIN sebagai "Tim A". Baik Tim A maupun lawan mereka, Tim B, merupakan para trainee di YG Entertainment. Kedua tim saling bersaing dan pemenangnya akan debut sebagai boy band pertama YG dalam 8 tahun setelah Big Bang. Pada akhir program, gelar "WINNER" diberikan kepada Tim A setelah mereka memenangkan semua tiga putaran pemungutan suara dari penonton.
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-didalam aplikasi ini tidak ada menu unduhan/download karena melangar hak cipta.
This application contains a collection of full album songs from the K-Pop group WINNER.
WINNER is a South Korean male singer group formed by record label YG Entertainment in 2014. The group initially consisted of five members, namely Kang Seungyoon, Song Minho, Nam Taehyun, Kim Jinwoo, and Lee Seunghoon.
On November 25, 2016, Taehyun was officially released from the group. This group was first introduced in a program called Who is Next: WIN as "Team A". Both Team A and their opponents, Team B, are trainees at YG Entertainment. Both teams competed with each other and the winner will debut as YG's first boy band in 8 years after the Big Bang. At the end of the program, the title "WINNER" was given to Team A after they won all three rounds of voting from the audience.
Thanks ..
* Disclaimer ...
-Make sure your cellphone is connected to the internet / WI-FI network
-in this application there is no download / download menu because it violates copyright.